Some Recent Projects

October 28, 2015

I havent posted in a while but here are a few things I've been up to-

One thing I am determined to do regulary is to revive my project of painting something for myself every day, even if for only a few minutes...

I had the honor of doing the cover illustration for" "The Ballad of Black Tom", which just became the first title to be acquired for’s new novella line by editor Ellen Datlow.

"H.P. Lovecraft is a polarizing figure nowadays—even if you ignore all the hugely problematic elements of his writing. But he still pioneered so much of what we love in horror and science fiction. So award-winning author Victor LaValle decided to create a literary tribute to the Master." Art director Irene Gallo

Something a little different, I was asked to paint Brittany Howard of the Alabama Shakes for the Rolling Stone record review earlier this year.The band reminded me of  Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company, (who I had the good fortune to see when I was in in high school) - so I wanted to incorporate some almost retro - psychedilic color into the piece. Matthew Cooley, art director.

BroadGreen Pictures is a new major movie studio, and I was fortunate that they asked me to design a logo and motion logo. The colplexity of the original ideas was beyond the scope of my animation resources and I contacted Tippet Studios, and working together we produced the 21 second animated version of my painted logo. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work.

I will do a more comprehensive post on this project soon. For now, here is the painted logo and the animated version. 

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