SOI55 Golds

February 20, 2013

Sorry this is not news anymore. I didn't want to scribble a quick note and in between parents visiting and work, I just now had time to sit down and write this post. Also I wanted to wait for a while to make sure the Gold medals don't just vanish one morning since they are still quite unreal to this day. 

I am extremely grateful for the awards but thought it would be ungrateful to the sweaty and liquor-thirsty crowd at the SOI opening if I kept my speech long, so I wasn't able to fully thank everyone I needed to thank.  Since I can post whatever the f I want on my blog, here is my long long long long thank you note. (It's going to be boring, feel free to skim and skip.)

Thank AD Jim Burke and Dellas Graphics for having me on board, and giving me all the creative freedom with such a fun project  which has also been a good luck charm for medal winning. 

Thank you AD Irene Gallo for your passion and support in illustration. It 's always extra rewarding to work with someone who loves their job -your excitment and anticipation of the final art have pushed me to work harder and aim higer. 

Thank you Society for the Student Scholarship, without it,  I wouldn't have been able to move to NY after graduation. Also thanks for such a welcoming and homely community where lonely illustrators can mingle with each other and harrass the poor ADs who accidentally venture in. 

Thank you judges, I hope you didn't make a mistake. 

Thank you Johnny D and Kyle S for lending me your fresh eyes and giving me all the insightful( and often very blunt) second opinions. I feel very lucky knowing you guys will always be honest with me. 

Thank you Robyn, Catherine C, Dadu, Tae, Mia, Steph S, Hannah, Yue, Naftali, Wesley, Sam T  and Domily for being such awesome and supportive friends. 

Thank you Yuko for all your Business advises and helping me with the VISA to stay in the country. (Also your beauty and fashion tips!) 

Thank you Chris for being an inspiring and caring teacher, mentor, tiger-mom, friend, dog rescurer and super hero. You not only gave me my career, saved me numerous times from burning contracts and budgets, but also taught me how to be a better human being. 

Thank you SooJin for giving me my first published jobs. You told my mom I would have made it without you - all you did was shorten my journey. You were WRONG! If I haven't worked with you during RISD, I wouldn't have the balls to jump off the cliff to freelancing. If I haven't had the early start, I wouldn't have enough credentials for the artist ViSA. If I haven't made money in the early months, I wouldn't been able to convince my family that illustration is a "real job". 

Thank you Mom and Dad for coming all the way to NY for the ceremony. Thank you for supporting me through RISD, esp when most people believe you would be better off throwing your money into the ocean. Thank you for putting up with my short temper and strange pricks. Thank you Mom for sacrificing your career to raise me,  always being there for me and trying to give me the best. Sorry I was a difficult kid.

Thank you all for reading and the generous words you have made on my past posts. Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring works, you guys keep me on my toes! 
