
June 28, 2013

This illustration is probably the favorite thing I have done this year. It ran in the current aiCIO. As usual, the article is about some deep pension fund stuff that I can’t comprehend even with my best reading glasses. Luckily I only had to work on the sweet and easy phrase CD SooJin gave me- “transitional management, going from A to B". 

I love nature and was really in the mood of trees, so this is what I came up with - a fox leaping from one tree to another. Nothing high concept but I had tons of fun. I love working on SooJin’s assignments as the ideas are very abstract/open and I can often draw what I want and make it work for the topic. It’s like being paid to do personal works! 

Also check out the gorgeous layout, they always make my art look better!! 

Thank you SooJin and the AI team! 
