A couple covers!

November 26, 2013

Sorry for falling off the face of earth for a while- I have been working on some really exciting projects which unfortunately won’t come out until nest year. In the mean time, here is my latest cover for PLANSPONSOR! You can probably tell by now that I sneak in every opportunity to draw fish and water. Recently someone asked me about this preference and I gave it some thoughts. I think I love drawing things that allows much stretch of stylization and design but still recognizable for what it is. Everyone of us can have our own drastically different ways to interpret waves but none of us can be wrong. 

This piece was one of the 8 selected into Society of Illustrators 56 Annual exhibit and book, I will do a post about all the pieces that have gotten in one of these days…Mega thanks to AD SooJin! 

Latest cover for Computer World digital! The feature stories is about BYOD( bring your own device) invasion. IOS, a closed system, is traditionally a standard which cooperate IT believes it can rely on. Now that more and more employees are bringing in their own Android phones and tablets, companies are seeking a way to cope with the fragmented and open-sourced system which is commonly thought to be dangerous, difficult and costly for corporate IT to manage. 

How often do one get paid to blow things up (on paper)? Big thanks to AD Steve Sauer!

PLANSPONSOR and Computerworld are two of my favorite and most regular clients. Both of them really let me go nuts with what I want to do and because of that, I am able to make some of my proudest pieces for them. 
