Read Write (Hand)

January 20, 2012

I was first made aware of Nick Cave's band The Birthday Party after they'd disbanded - I suppose one might say I was late to the party, if one was inclined to employ cheap punnery. I, however, would never stoop so low.
Regardless it was an important discovery for me and introduced me to the wiry and sinister guitar sound of the late and unarguably great Rowland S Howard and the primal theatrics of inimitable vocalist Nick Cave. After absorbing the Birthday Party's catalog I delved into the canon of Cave's follow up project, The Bad Seeds.

Throughout the Bad Seeds' lifespan Cave has evolved greatly, having honed his considerable talents as a songwriter and even a balladeer. His lyrics reveal a literacy and introspection that is nearly without peer in popular music frequently referencing the Old Testament and a displaying keen knowledge of  among other things American blues and gospel.
Cave's evolution as an artist has been a long one and decidedly nonlinear. He's tried his hand at acting, screenplays, film scores. He's written two novels in addition to publishing several books of poetry.

I was contacted over the summer by Mr Sam Kinchin-Smith of Silkworm Inc. Seems he was aware of the album covers I'd been producing for globe-spanning rock-n-roll quartet Sour Jazz and hoped that I would be interested in producing a piece for his upcoming project: a 'multi-disciplinary Nick Cave reader' to be entitled 'Read Write (Hand)' ( a cheeky play on "Red Right Hand', arguably Cave's best-known song ). Sure, I said, I'm interested. His only direction was that the piece showcase Cave more as a literary figure than a musician . After supplying Mr Kinchin-Smith with a preliminary sketch he waxed enthusiastic and it was ultimately decided that my piece would be used as the cover art.

After many delays, hiccups and hitches the book is available now at multiple outlets (click here for the list). But before you start making room in the Nick Cave section of your bookshelves be aware that this number is available only as a space-age 'e-book'.