The Third Dimension

October 29, 2013

I have always been interested in three dimensional artwork - even though I think of myself primarily as a painting illustrator, my painting is evolving towards a more textural, expressive surface...and to the extent that I am a realist, sculptural elements can enforce the notion of realisim, even when the final presentation of the work is two-dimensional.

I have always made reference sculptures and set-ups to help me visualize images that I paint. Lately I have had opportunities to add some three dimensional elements into some illustrations and to create and cast some sculptures as personal work.  I thought I would post a few of my recent  projects which incorporate a three dimensional element.

A few years ago I had an opportunity to observe my career-long mentor and friend Bruce Wolfe do a portrait sculpture from life-- in one sitting. I was deeply impressed by the experience and it made me consider the possibilities of working three dinensionally in my own work- and perhaps to do some sculpture of  my own as well.

Bruce Wolfe at work (Robert Hunt assisting) from Robert Houser on Vimeo.

The above video was  shot by photographer Robert Houser, while modeling  for the head of one of the hockey players in Bruce's Pittsburgh Penguins monument (Mr. Houser is seen here modelling). I am the one in the hat- allegedly assisting, but in fact, just learning from Bruce as I always do when I am around him.

Robert Hunt sculpture -patina process from Robert Hunt on Vimeo.